Project Proposal 2010


I. Introduction
II. Background
III. Basis of Needs
IV. Objectives and Results
V. Methods and Procedure
VI. Evaluation
VII. Project Sustainability
VIII. Budget
IX. Additional References

I. Project Summary

  • Project Title: Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

  • Project Administrator: Save Infants Cause, Save Infants – Bright Future Non – Profit Organization.

  • Project Location: Research Institute at Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital

  • Project Objective and Need: A huge need exists for heart monitors that’s used for children in intensive care unit, and need to collect them for donations.

  • Project Outcome: By donating these monitors we could save infants’ lives who are admitted at Intensive Care Unit, and increase their chance of recovery.

  • Project Budget: Cost of each monitor is $2515.00.

II. Background

Since January through December 2010 we successfully organized Save Infants cause.Our main goal is to help kids in Mongolia receive health care treatments in their homeland. We all worked hard to donate total three heart monitors to Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital. Over 350 Mongolian professionals, and students from around the world such as Mongolia, USA, Japan, Britain, Austria, Switzerland, New Zealand, Russia, Korea, and India contributed their hard work.

III. Basis of Needs

Between January through May 2010 total 27,597 babies were newly born, and 5,612 in May only. Total 625 of them from newborns to age one died, which means three to four die every day, and one every six hours. It will be heartbreaking number if we added all the kids under age of eighteen.All under age children with life threatening condition are admitted to Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital (ICUCH). However, this unit can only house twelve kids at once, and unit had only one heart monitor at the time when we started our work. The heart monitor checks five parameters, such as heart and breathing rates, temperature, oxygen level, and blood pressure. In the event one of these measures slows down or lowers, the monitor sends signals out letting know that infant’s life is in danger.Currently the unit has total ten heart monitors, three of them were donated by our organization.

IV. Objectives and Results

One of the most important issues facing society is being healthy. It’s necessary to do equitable work in this area, especially for children, who’re our future.The number of people who’s seeking donations to help their children is ever increasing. Some who’re lucky receive expensive treatments overseas, but the rest whose families can’t afford lose their lives.If we all put our minds into and work together, we can increase the ability to receive medical treatments in homeland for hundreds of children, thus increasing their chance to grow up healthy.

V. Methods and Procedure

Children’s Hospital in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia is a place where parents bring their child when they’re ill, and the Intensive Care Unit is the place where life and death takes a battle. Therefore, we chose to start from this hot spot to help. The unit has twelve beds, and if each was equipped by the heart monitor, then each child can be monitored effectively to receive treatments in timely manner.We completed a research on cost and quality of these much needed monitors. The unit’s doctors and nurses helped to make the appropriate equipment choice an the final decision was signed off by the technician.The chosen monitor consisted of 8 inch monitor and additional parts, manufactured in the United States, and had a quality guarantee. It was ordered from Medical Device Pros medical equipment supply store, and was shipped to Ulaanbaatar by air. Within 7-10 days the ICUCH received the monitor, and it was fully functional the same day.

VI. Evaluation

All three monitors within this project are fully functional. Participants did research, rallied each other, and donated their time and money. The whole process was successfully conducted in transparent way, withe names and donation amounts being published as they were received, and all proceeds were contributed hundred percent towards the receiver.Between January through November 2010 total 350 people donated $8,077, of which $3,007 was used to purchase the first monitor with additional supplies ,and was donated in April 2010. The second monitor cost $2,515, and was handed on the Independence Day in November 2010. Lastly, the third monitor, with $2,515 unit price, plus $40 that was used towards $100 shipping and handling, was sent to Ulaanbaatar. All appropriate documentations were published on our Facebook site.With the help of each other, many overseas Mongolians who believed in common goal, accomplished a tangible objective the first time, thus setting an example for many to follow.

VII. Project Sustainability

This project allowed Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital to receive additional monitoring thus increasing medical treatment success.Our achievement will help to set the ground for future objectives for saving many infants’ lives and their health care.VIII. Budget

  • Total Budget: $8,077

  • Budget Objective: Total amount was spent to purchase three monitors with additional supplies for infants receiving treatment at Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital Research Centre.

IX. Additional References

  • Purchase receipts from heart monitors donated to ICUCH from Save Infants cause.

  • List of donors

  • Pictures from donation events