Project Proposal 2012

Improving technical capacity of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, National Center for Maternal and Child Health Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

‘Save Infants’ Non-profit organization



  1. Project summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Project background, justification and description of challenges
  4. Goal, objectives and expected outcomes
  5. Methodology and proposed interventions
  6. Monitoring, evaluation & reporting
  7. Project sustainability
  8. Budget
  9. Appendix


I. Project summary

Project name:
Improving technical capacity of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, National Center for Maternal and Child Health Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Donation of a new incubator, indispensible for rendering intensive medical service for newborns

Expected outcome:
Increased survival rate of premature newborns
Improved quality of treatment
Increased recovery rate

MNT 25.6 million (equal to US$20,000) to purchase one incubator for newborns, model Isolette 2000, manufactured in Germany by Draeger firm

Implementing institution:
‘Save the Infants’ NGO

Project manager:
B.Sarnai, Director
Tel.: +976-98683218; e-mail: [email protected]

N.Sanjaakhand, Member of the Board of Directors
Tel.: +976-99062992; e-mail: [email protected]
–       Start date: 20 October 2011
–       End date: 1 June 2012


II. Introduction

The ‘Save the Infants’ NGO was started by volunteer youth in Mongolia, a group of people passionate about providing quality medical care to children in their home country.  The organization grew out of a deep passion to save lives and provide children with the basic human need of adequate medical care. The group launched its first initiative on January 15, 2010.  The project entailed a donation of three patient monitors with accessories and supplies for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the National Center for Maternal and Child Health (NCMCH). This was made possible due to generous financial support from Mongolians and donors residing in different parts of the world.

The success of this first project encouraged the group to establish a non-profit NGO in March 2011.  The non-profit was created with a clearly identified mission, goals and objectives. With our second project, we established a training ground in May 2011 designed to help visually-impaired children develop increased spatial orientation. Many volunteers, including members of UBTwestival movement from Тwitter, and our own members, have helped us to make this successful.


III. Background, justification and description of challenges

The NICU of NCMCH operates with 5 physicians and 19 nurses. It has 17 beds. The unit renders professional services to more than 900 premature and post-mature newborns per annum that need intensive medical care and treatment. Statistics suggest that more than 80% of those newborns are immature infants and 24% have severe complications after birth. From 2008 onwards, the unit deals with infants with severe low birth weight (500-1000 grams).

The unit has set a goal to reduce infant mortality by introducing modern facilities and equipment.  These safer technologies will enable high quality medical services.

When the unit opened its doors there was nothing but a few incubators. Today, there are 7 incubators, 5 infant warming systems, 4 pulse oximeters, 3 phototherapy equipment and 5 IV pumps. The department is overloaded, serving an average of 25-28 newborns daily with only 17 beds. Moreover, the unit has only two neonatal ventilators, an insufficient number to meet the complex needs of the patients.

There are several challenges, including:

a)     Deficiency of pulse oximeters, the equipment used for monitoring the oxygen supply of a newborn

b)    Shortage of IV pumps, indispensible for newborns who need to remain connected to intravenous injection for 24 hours per day

c)     Due to increased pathological icterus for the last 3 years, a severe lack of phototherapy equipment occurs. Two to three newborns are treated with one machine at the same time.

d)    Existing incubators and warming systems are not only insufficient in numbers, but also easy breakable.
Several types of equipment are needed, including:

a)     Incubators, infant warming systems, IV pumps, pulse oximeters are needed for each bed (17);

b)    Neonatal ventilators for low-weighed newborns;

c)     Phototherapy equipment, photon light etc.


IV. Project goal, objectives and expected outcomes

Public health is one of the most sensitive issues among society today in Mongolia. We need to act effectively to ensure healthy life for our future generations.

Official health statistics suggest that there were 625 infant deaths under the age of 1 out of 27,597 live births countrywide in the first 5 months of 2010.

There is a growing number of parents asking for donations for their childrens’ medical treatment fees. Sadly, few of these parents succeed in obtaining adequate medical care for their children – most of the children die.  There is an urgent need to intervene and give Mongolian children the opportunity to receive the medical care they deserve.  Intervening now, at this important juncture, and supplying Mongolian hospitals with important medical equipment will save the lives of thousands of children.


V. Methodology and proposed interventions

The outdated equipment further exacerbates the difficulties faced by staff to deliver timely medical care for infants, resulting in increased risk to health of newborns. Therefore, we deem important to provide at least one high quality incubator, and based on our previous experience, we plan to raise funds and facilitate the donation.

We plan to send the current proposal to potential government agencies of different countries around the world, inter-governmental, development and aid agencies. Further, we will respond to calls of proposal of development agencies, where relevant. International humanitarian agencies, major corporate businesses of Mongolia and individuals will be approached as well. The collection of donation will take place from 15 October 2011 to 1 April 2012.  The reservation and transportation of the equipment is expected to take 2-3 of months.  Our goal is to deliver the incubator unit to the department of intensive medical care for premature newborns on the 1st of June 2012.


VI. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting

Transparency of activities, collected donation and financial aspects will be ensured through regular communications in our website and ‘Save Infants’ fan page on

After completion of the project, the Steering Committee will ensure timely reporting and all financial documents will be posted on the website and the group page. The reports will be sent to all contributing bodies as well.


VII. Project sustainability

Though the implementation of proposed project cannot ensure full technical capacity of concerned department, we see high potential that the project could continue further to provide other needed facilities described above (III).


VIII. Budget

The primary step was taken to make price survey of such equipment. We approached the MedImpex International LLC in Mongolia who contacted Draeger firm in Germany. A price quotation for one incubator with model Isolette 2000 requires us 25,650,000 Mongolian tugriks. This price also includes transportation, taxes, customs and installation fees. The MedImpex International LLC will carry out training session for relevant staff on the exploitation of equipment and provide a guarantee of one year.

May children of Mongolia grow up healthy and happy!

IX. Appendix

–       Project detailed work plan (Gantt Chart)

–       Price quotation from ‘MedImpex International’ LLC for one incubator with model Isolette 2000, manufactured by Draeger firm in Germany

–       Reference letters from relevant institutions, involved in our previous projects

–       Photo bank of previous activities

–       Brief introduction to the Steering Committee members of ‘Save the Infants’ NGO

–       Income/expenditure report of ‘Save the Infants’ NGO

–       Information on bank account to receive donations