Dear Bazar International de Luxembourg,

On behalf of the many children and their families that we serve, thank you for your donation of MNT29,002,730.00 received on April 29th, 2020. Your gift allows the Save Infants Non-profit Organization to continue its mission of help saving the lives of infants and children in Mongolia.

Thanks to your generous gift, we purchased 400 units of pulse oximeter sensors, 10 portable pulse oximeters, an oxygen concentrator, and 5 oxygen cylinders for the Pediatric and Neonatal ICUs of the Maternal and Child Health Center in Ulaanbaatar. View handover photos. These devices enable reusability of existing pieces of equipment that were not used at the hospital due to the lack of supplementary devices, and help many children in intensive care to receive timely and effective care during this pandemic disruption.

We are truly grateful for your support – you are making the vision of a kind world much more possible. Thank you for believing in the power of kindness!

With Gratitude,

Volunteers of Save Infants NPO