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“Save Infants” Non-profit Organization


Our vision

To bring the reality of exceptional medical care to all children in Mongolia.

Our mission

To achieve our vision, we will support hospitals in Mongolia with funding, equipment, and supplies. We will increase awareness of childhood injuries and illnesses through professional training and family education to ensure all children in Mongolia receive care that allows them to thrive.

Our values

Leadership, Integrity, Teamwork, and Openness.



Child Burn Prevention and Safety Program

In June 2014, we received US $100,000 in grants from Samsung Electronics to fund the Child Burn Prevention and Safety Program. Twenty percent of the funds went toward parents’ health education and awareness with the goal of reducing incidents of burn injuries in children under five. We also published a burn-care handbook for doctors and nurses. On December 27, 2014, the remainder of the funds went toward the donation of thirty-nine medical devices and surgical units, including the electro dermatome and the coagulation apparatus, to the Burn Trauma Division of the National Traumatology Center.
Хүүхдийг түлэгдлээс урьдчилан сэргийлэх хөтөлбөр Хүүхдийг түлэгдлээс урьдчилан сэргийлэх хөтөлбөр Хүүхдийг түлэгдлээс урьдчилан сэргийлэх хөтөлбөр
Project 2013 – Medical ventilator

Project 2013 – Medical ventilator

On May 20, 2014, we donated a medical ventilator to the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of the Maternal and Child Health Center. Our volunteers raised a $27,300 in US dollars by organizing an auction, selling calendars, hosting a jar fundraiser and a lunchbox charity.

Project 2013 – Improving the Technical Capacity of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

On June 20, 2013, we successfully completed our fourth project thanks to our members, volunteers, and donors from around the world. The handover ceremony of medical equipment worth US $20,000—which included 5 pulse oximeters, 1 phototherapy unit, and 2 bilimeters donated by Save Infants NPO—was held at the Neonatal ICU of the MCHC in Ulaanbaatar.
Project 2013 – Improving the Technical Capacity of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Project 2013 – Improving the Technical Capacity of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Project 2013 – Improving the Technical Capacity of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Project 2012 – Infant Incubator

Project 2012 – Infant Incubator

In May 2012, we donated an infant incubator worth US $19,000 to the Neonatal ICU Maternal and Child Health Center. Since then, the incubator is continually providing a safe and stable environment for newborns. Every week, a new life is being saved thanks to our third project!

Project 2011 – Special training ground

In May 2011, we launched a second project that established a training ground (total 2,173,637₮) designed to help visually impaired children of the Secondary School #116 develop increased spatial orientation. Many volunteers, including members of the UBTwestival movement from Тwitter, and our own members, have helped us to make this initiative successful.
Project 2011 – Special training ground
Project 2010 – Patient Monitors 1, 2, and 3

Project 2010 – Patient Monitors 1, 2, and 3

Our first initiative was launched on January 15, 2010, with the donation of three patient monitors with accessories (total US $8,037) to the Pediatric ICU of the Maternal and Child Health Center, Ulaanbaatar. This was made possible due to generous support from Mongolian donors as well as donors residing in different parts of the world.

Most recent donations

  • Eruul Urs Gerelt Ireedui TBB700000₮
  • EN EI PI KHKHK650000₮
  • Nomun Dalai10$
  • Odgerel Myagmar50000₮
  • P.Nomin-Erdene B.Bolormaa nariin ger bulees100000₮
  • N.Bayarmaa100$
  • S.KHishigbayar107200₮
  • CH.Oyuuntsetseg214400₮
  • L.Unurjargal50000₮
  • Ekh urs urgelj jargaltai baig40000₮
  • Otgonnyam50000₮
  • Z.50000₮
  • G.Dorjkhand30000₮
  • Oyuun-Erdene50$
  • Anarmaa50000₮

Donation Accounts

Account in Mongolia
Golomt Bank: 1105039384
Beneficiary: Eruul Urs Gerelt Ireedui NPO
Swift code: GLMTMNUB

Account in Japan:
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Akabane Branch(178)
Account 0138516, NGO セーブ・インファンツ

Paypal: [email protected]

Our Supporters